These documents are For the HEAD of the CVS repository on July 19, 2007 Api docs for previous releases



Summary Included libraries Package variables Synopsis Description General documentation Methods

   Modware::Feature::Aligned - Parent Class of all Modware::Feature::* classes derived from BLAST alignments.
Package variables top
No package variables defined.
Included modulestop
Inherit top
  do not create a Modware::Feature::Aligned object directly, it is for use by the Modware::Feature object
   THis is an abstract subclass of Modware::Feature and should not be called directly.  It contains
methods specific to features which are blasted against the genome (ests, mRNAs, Genbank records).

The main distinction here is that these objects will have TWO bioperl objects associated with them

1. bioperl - this represents the entitiy in question. i.e. and EST is represented by a
Bio::Seq object
2. bioperl_alignment - this represents the blast hit that maps this feature to the genome. it is
represented by a Bio::SeqFeature::Generic object and its locations on the reference
sequence map to hsps.

The bioperl object should be used when you want to work with the object itself ( for example, looking
at the sequence) whereas the alignment object should be used
when inspecting the objects location on the genome ( for example to find features that touch it ).
lengthNo descriptionCode
newNo descriptionCode

Methods description

 Title    : _blast
Function : runs a blast, sets new bioperl_alignment
Returns : boolean ( true if valid lis is parsed and bioperl_alignment set )
Args : -type ( type of seq to blast ie 'DNA Coding Sequence', 'mRNA Sequence' etc. )
 Title    : _get_bioperl
Note : creates a bioperl object representing this EST (Bio::Seq)
Usage : called internally by lazy evaluated 'bioperl' method
Function : creates a bioperl object with a location on the chromosome's bioperl object.
Returns : nothing
Args : none
 Title    : _get_bioperl_alignment
Note : creates a bioperl_alignment object from the database
: for alignment features such as EST's and mRNA's,
: this feature is created from where the feature aligns
: to the chromosome after BLASTING and filtering the hsp's
: with the LIS algorithm.
: Bio::SeqFeature::Generic object
: tag: hit_id ( ID of chromosome that alignment maps to )
Usage : called internally by lazy evaluated 'bioperl_alignment' method
Function : creates a bioperl_alignment object ( with location where applicable )
Returns : nothing
Args : none
 Title    : _get_chromosome
Usage : $feature->_get_chromosome();
Function : gets the chromosome object for this feature (called from chromosome)
Returns : nothing
Args : none
 Title    : _init
Note : sets attributes specific to Aligned features
Usage : called internally by new
Function :
Returns : nothing
Args : none
 Title    : alignment_type
Function : returns type of alignment for SUBfeature table
Returns : nothing
Args : none
 Title    : bioperl_alignment
Note : Fetches the bioperl_alignment object associated with this feature ( Bio::SeqFeature::Generic )
: which has the location of the blast hits on the chromosome
: This is lazy evaluated
: each feature type will have its own _get_bioperl_alignment method
: An non-alignment is represented as an empty Bio::SeqFeature::Generic object
Usage : To print the bioperl_alignment name of the bioperl_alignment that this feature belongs to
: print $self->bioperl_alignment->bioperl_alignment_name();
Function : gets/sets the bioperl_alignment attribute of the feature
Returns : a Bio::SeqFeatureI implementing object
Args : optional: bioperl_alignment object
 Title    : blast
Function : runs a blast, sets new bioperl_alignment
Returns : boolean ( true if valid lis is parsed and bioperl_alignment set )
Args : -type ( type of seq to blast ie 'DNA Coding Sequence', 'mRNA Sequence' etc. )
 Title    : end
Note : reads end from the hightest coordinate on the chromosome in bioperl_alignment object
Usage : print "Start coordinate: " $self->end();
Function : returns end coordinate of the alignment of this feature in chromosomal coordinates
Returns : nothing
Args : none
 Title    : insert
Function : calls SUPER::insert, then a method to update the alignment
Returns : nothing
Args : none
 Title    : match_type
Function : returns type of alignment for SUBfeature table
Returns : nothing
Args : none
 Title    : start
Note : reads start from the lowest coordinate on the chromosome in bioperl_alignment object
Usage : print "Start coordinate: " $self->start();
Function : returns start coordinate of the alignment of this feature in chromosomal coordinates
Returns : nothing
Args : none
 Title    : update
Function : calls SUPER::update, then a method to update the alignment
Returns : nothing
Args : none
 Title    : update_alignment
Function : updates the alignment subfeatures based on bioperl_alignment object
Returns : nothing
Args : none

Methods code

sub _blast {
   my ($self, @args) = @_;

   $self->throw( "Need to implement _blast method which blasts, parses report into Bio::SearchIO object and sets bioperl_alignment accessor");

   return 1;
sub _get_bioperl {
   my ($self, @args) = @_;

sub _get_bioperl_alignment {
   my ($self, @args) = @_;

   if ( $self->feature_id ) {
      my $bioperl_alignment  = new Bio::SeqFeature::Generic();

      my $chrom_primary_id;

      my $hit_iterator = Chado::Feature->search( name => $self->primary_id().".match");
      return undef if $hit_iterator->count() == 0;

      my $hit_feature = new Modware::Feature( -feature_id => $hit_iterator->next()->feature_id() );

      my @subfeatures = grep{ $_->type_id->name eq 'match_part' } $hit_feature->subfeatures();

# This whole mess is called a 'schwartzian transform' and is a useful
# sorting algorithm for calculated values using map and sort.
# for more info do a google search
my @hsps = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map { [$_, [$_->featureloc_feature_id()]->[0]->strand()*[$_->featureloc_feature_id()]->[0]->fmin() ] } @subfeatures; foreach my $hsp ( @hsps ) { my @locs = $hsp->featureloc_feature_id(); my ($location) = grep{ $_->srcfeature_id != $self->feature_id } @locs;; $chrom_primary_id = $location->srcfeature_id->dbxref->accession; my $strand = $location->strand(); my $start = $location->fmin() + 1; my $end = $location->fmax(); my $hsp = new Bio::SeqFeature::Generic( -strand => $strand, -start => $start, -end => $end ); $bioperl_alignment->add_SeqFeature($hsp, 'EXPAND'); } $bioperl_alignment->add_tag_value( 'hit_id', $chrom_primary_id ) if $chrom_primary_id; $self->bioperl_alignment( $bioperl_alignment ); }
sub _get_chromosome {
   my ($self) = @_;

   $self->bioperl_alignment();  # need to call to assign feature to chromosome at the moment
# will eventually store in feature table but right now
# its all in teh subfeature table (as blast hits)
sub _init {
   my ($self, @args) = @_;

sub alignment_type {
   my ($self, @args) = @_;

sub bioperl_alignment {
   my ($self, $obj) = @_;

# fetches bioperl_alignment from database (_get_bioperl_alignment) if bioperl_alignment is not yet defined
# and the user is not attempting to set the bioperl_alignment
defined $self->{bioperl_alignment} || defined $obj || $self->_get_bioperl_alignment(); if(scalar @_ > 1) { use Data::Dumper; print STDERR "Got an alignment".Dumper( $obj ) if DEBUG; if ( $obj ) { $self->strand( $obj->strand() ); $self->{bioperl_alignment} = $obj; if ( $obj->has_tag('hit_id') ){ my $chrom = new Modware::Feature ( -primary_id => [$obj->get_tag_values('hit_id')]->[0] ); print "setting chromosome to ".$chrom->name()."\n" if DEBUG; $self->reference_feature( $chrom ); $self->reference_feature( $self->bioperl_alignment() ); } } else { $self->{bioperl_alignment} = new Bio::SeqFeature::Generic(); } } return $self->{bioperl_alignment};
sub blast {
   my ($self, @args) = @_;
sub end {
   my ($self, $obj) = @_;

   return $self->bioperl_alignment() ? $self->bioperl_alignment() : undef;
sub insert {
   my ($self, @args) = @_;

   $self->update_alignment() if $self->{'bioperl_alignment'};
   $self->_update_gene_association() if ( exists $self->{gene} );
   $self->_insert_or_update_featureprop( 'translation_start', $self->phase() + 1  ) if $self->cached_sequences->{'Protein'};
sub length {
   my ($self, $obj) = @_;

   return $self->bioperl_alignment() ? $self->bioperl_alignment() : undef;
sub match_type {
   my ($self, $obj) = @_;
   if($obj) {
      $self->{match_type} = $obj;
   return $self->{match_type};
sub new {
   my ($type, @args) = @_;

# do not bless it here, assume subclass will bless as a subclass type
my $self = {}; bless $self,$type; my @arglist = qw( BIOPERL SOURCE DESCRIPTION ); my ( $bioperl, $source, $description ) = $self->_rearrange( [@arglist], @args ); $self->source ( $source ) if defined $source; $self->bioperl ( $bioperl ) if defined $bioperl; $self->description ( $description ) if defined $description; $self->qualifiers( [] ); $self->_init(); return $self;
sub start {
   my ($self, $obj) = @_;

   return $self->bioperl_alignment() ? $self->bioperl_alignment() : undef;
sub update {
   my ($self, @args) = @_;

   $self->_update_cached_sequence()  if ( exists $self->{bioperl} );
   $self->update_alignment() if $self->{'bioperl_alignment'};
   $self->_update_gene_association() if ( exists $self->{gene} );
   $self->_insert_or_update_featureprop( 'translation_start', $self->phase() + 1  ) if $self->cached_sequences->{'Protein'};
sub update_alignment {
   my ($self, @args) = @_;

# loop through stored exons (in database)
# for each one pop an exon off of the exon array and update that
# subfeature with that exon's coordinates.
# after this, if the exon array is empty, the remaining subfeatures need to be deleted
# if there are exons left, then they all need to be inserted.
my $hit_iterator = Chado::Feature->search( name => $self->primary_id().".match"); my $hit_feature; my @hsps = $self->bioperl_alignment(); if ( @hsps && $hit_iterator->count() == 0 ) { $hit_feature = new Modware::Feature( -type => $self->match_type(), -source => 'dictyBase', -reference_feature => $self->reference_feature(), -start => $self->bioperl_alignment(), -end => $self->bioperl_alignment() ); $hit_feature->insert(); $hit_feature->_database_object()->name( $self->primary_id().".match" ); $hit_feature->_database_object()->update(); } else { $hit_feature = new Modware::Feature( -feature_id => $hit_iterator->next()->feature_id() ); } my @subfeatures = $hit_feature->subfeatures(); my @stored_hits = grep{ $_->type_id->name eq 'match_part' } @subfeatures; if ( scalar @hsps == 0 && $hit_feature ) { $hit_feature->_database_object()->delete(); } elsif (scalar @hsps > 0){ $hit_feature->{_featureloc} = Chado::Featureloc->find_or_create( feature_id => $hit_feature->feature_id ); $hit_feature->_featureloc( $self->start() ); $hit_feature->_featureloc( $self->end() ); $hit_feature->_featureloc( $self->strand() ); $hit_feature->_featureloc( $self->reference_feature() ); $hit_feature->_featureloc(); } foreach my $stored_hit ( @stored_hits ) { $stored_hit->delete(); } foreach my $hsp ( @hsps ) { $hit_feature->_insert_subfeature( $hsp, 'match_part' ); }

General documentation

AUTHOR - Eric Just top
   Eric Just
   The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _