TOC for Modware::Feature
AlignedParent Class of all Modware::Feature::* classes derived from BLAST alignments.
CHROMOSOMEModware representation of a chromosome
CONTIGModware representation of a contig
ESTModware representation of an EST (aligned)
GAPModware representation of a GAP
GENEModware representation of a gene
GENERICdefault Modware representation of a simple genome sequence feature (start, stop, strand)
MATCHdefault Modware representation of an MATCH
MRNAModware representation of an mRNA
NCRNAModware representation of an ncRNA (non-coding RNA)
REFERENCE_FEATUREParent class for all features serving as coordinate system for other features (usually chromosome or contig)
SegmentModware representation of arbitrary segment of some reference feature.
TRANSCRIPTParent class for all trnascript classes (mRNA, ncRNA, tRNA)